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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

charming things: the luna bar

Last week I was flying out to San Diego. My flight was early in the morning and I got to the airport before breakfast. Once through security I was starving and as I wandered through the foodcourt I vowed I was going to make a healthy decision. I started at Starbucks thinking I would get hardboiled eggs or oatmeal but this Starbucks didn't have either nor did they have any fresh fruit. I tried the bagel place but they had well, bagels. Burger King had egg and cheese croissants, delicious yes, part of my old diet yes but not so much on my new program. I started back at Starbucks, then bagel place again and then Burger King, staring at their menus.

As I stood contemplating exactly how unhealthy a bagel with egg and cheese would be, I remembered then that I used to travel with Luna Bars--Blueberry Bliss and White Chocolate Macadamia. I reached into my carry-on bag and there it was. A solitary Blueberry Bliss  Luna bar leftover from my last flight. I grabbed a small Americano from Starbucks and sat down at my gate enjoying a healthy option that also tastes exactly like a cross between a hot blueberry muffin and a blueberry Pop-Tart. With 70% organic ingredients, 8 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber, a Luna Bar was a good healthy choice in a sea of high carb, high fat options. When I was working 12 hour days in San Diego last weekend I wished I had brought more bars with me. When you haven't had time to grab a bite it's a much better option than a bag of chips or a candy bar from the mini bar. The added bonus is that when I make healthy choice I am more likely to stick to my healthy eating program. Unfortunately, I have the mindset of once I go off the program I am off the rails for whole day.

I'm on the road again in a few weeks and I will be packing my two favorite Luna Bar flavors along with bags of almonds and a couple Granny Smith apples.  Balance is a happy thing.

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