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Monday, May 14, 2012

smitten: an interview with lisa rinna

"Sex. Can I say that?"and then the giggles.

We're curious here at The Happygirl. We want to know what makes you happy. We've heard some fun and unusual answers that range from "Traveling with my girlfriend in Italy" to "Dipping extra crunchy fries into an ice cold chocolate shake." (We had to try this and it's ridiculously amazing.)

Every so often someone will giggle and say "Sex. Sexy sex sex." We think that sex makes a lot of people happy but they're just afraid to talk about it.

Thank goodness, Lisa Rinna, actress/wife/mom/designer/author isn't afraid to talk about sex. Sex is fun. Sex is happy and in her new book "The Big Fun Sexy Sex Book" Rinna takes readers on an adventure into big fun sexy sex. We got a chance to talk with this effervescent happygirl earlier this week and here's why we're smitten with her:

Happygirl: What a fun title for a book! It makes talking about sex less intimidating. What led to doing this book?

Lisa Rinna: Hi! I wanted to make talking about sex less intimidating. I feel like it’s such an important part of staying married. When I met Ian (co-author), I thought we could do a lot of great things to get this subject out there in a way that can really help people! I believe that sex is the glue that holds intimate relationships together.

Happygirl: There are couples who have been together for years and some who are new to each other. What is your best tip to freshening up a relationship as well as a tip for new couples?

Lisa Rinna: Tips for freshening up a relationship or tips for people who are new to each other. I think our book is chock full of these tips. For example, Chore Play for people who have been together a long time. For new couples, well they don't need a whole lot since that's when its’ still so exciting and new, but communication is always key to tell each other what turns you on. That is always helpful. You really have to get the book. There are so many new and fun things you can do at any stage of a relationship!

Happygirl: You are an author, actor, designer, entrepreneur, mother, wife, dancer. What haven't you done yet that you want to try?

Lisa Rinna: I have been blessed to have done so much. I'd love to continue to grow and not be afraid to try new things! I've never been a judge on a TV show that could be fun! I'd also like to start producing shows that I help create!

Happygirl: You are so creative with your books, your designs. . . Where do you get your inspiration from?

Lisa Rinna: I just try and follow my passion and in doing so my inspiration seems to come. Living life to the fullest, living in the moment and seeing beauty everywhere is key. I also get a lot of inspiration from my daughters and my Hubby!

Happygirl: Tell us what your happiest day would include.

Lisa Rinna: My Happiest Day would include my family, Mexican food and red velvet cake followed by a sexy date night at the Beverly Hills Hotel with my Hubby (Harry Hamlin). Maybe a bottle of Veuve Clicquot to top it all off!

So cheers to Lisa Rinna! We're smitten with her honest, fun, happy approach to sex and her passion to live a happy, adventurous, amazing life!

Visit for information on upcoming book signings.

Follow Lisa on Twitter @LisaRinna

"The Big Fun Sexy Sex Book" is available at and stores near you.

Check out our favorite aqua BelleGray by Lisa Rinna maxi dress on

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