My husband, L., and I are passionate about a lot of things -- apple cider doughnuts from Atkins Farms in Massachusetts, dewy early mornings at the beach, Frank Sinatra songs on summer nights and animals. If we could, we'd have a dozen rescue dogs (and a couple rescue goats) living with us. We are dog people and we have a soft spot for organizations that help rehome animals who would otherwise not have a place to live a life chasing balls and cuddling up with their favorite humans.
We just learned about an animal rescue organization called Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue. Here is their tag line:
"Saving badass dogs from idiot humans."
This may be the greatest mission statement ever.
As an all volunteer organization, Badass rescues dogs from high-kill shelters in the rural south (some of the shelters have a 90% euthanizing rate!) These volunteers with huge hearts visit shelters in high risk areas and rehabilitate (if needed) and rehome dogs whose lives have been an uncertain mess due to well, idiot humans. They are gently cared for from the moment they are rescued, followed by a vet check up and surgery if needed. When they are ready, they are matched with families who will never know a love greater than that of a rescue dog.
Check out the good work that Badass is doing and if you're so inclined, donate to this extraordinary organization. There are other ways you can help too, from rescuing, adopting or fostering a dog. The best way to feel better about yourself, to get happy into your life is to provide happiness to someone else. Think about helping this cause. There are few things in life better than a happy dog.
Harmony K is available for adoption. Somebody likes her toys.