In my quest to get my happy back, I am discovering that sometimes little things can bring you joy.
Here are three:
1.) Buy the lemonade.
In our little neighborhood the kids host lemonade stands. Some get creative. Last summer three little girls from the next street over created a shaved ice stand which featured a myriad of flavors (as long as it wasn't grape, which the girls loved. I watched dozens of cars speed past these little girls sitting in the shade
at their table looking hopefully at each person walking their dog or driving by. I had to stop. Their handmade 25 cent sign was too wonderful. When I pulled up and asked for a cherry ice, you would have thought I offered them a brand new American Girl doll. The girls were very careful as they made my ice and took my 50 cents (they learned the meaning of a tip in this transaction ).
Be the adult who stops and makes a little girl's day.
2.) Buy the Girl Scout Cookies.
Same kind of thing here. When that time of year arrives and the little uniformed girls stake their post outside the local Safeway and ask if you would like to buy some cookies, buy the cookies. Help them make their goal. Don't be the adult who walks by and says no, or worse, doesn't look at them at all, as if the little cherubs peddling Samoas didn't exist.
Be the adult who is kind and helps a little girl out. If you don't like cookies (What?!) you can give them away to a food pantry (and THAT is a two for one wonderful whammy!) or freeze them for the next time you have little ones over.)
3.) Support the cheerleaders / soccer / baseball / football players and get your car washed
Yesterday was the first sunny, bright blue, perfect day in Seattle in 2+ months and the local high school baseball team was having a car wash fundraiser. At the gas station by the traffic light, some of the guys held up signs and called out to drivers stopped at the red light. I had the top down and one of the guys said "Hi. I can make your car look real good!" How can you beat that?
Remember being in high school and giving up a Saturday to wash cars to try and raise money for your Senior trip? Remember the exuberance when someone would pull their car in and hand over the keys to you. You would wash that car with enthusiasm and think that this isn't such a bad way to spend a Saturday getting soaking wet and soapy with you friends.
Be the adult that kids look up to. Help them reach their goals.
Be selfish. Buy yourself a lemonade, cookies and a car wash and make a kid's day.
Happy Mother's Day
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